Smartly Dressed Games Support

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Latest activity by Smartly Dressed Games Support
  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    How do I update my server?

    If a new version has released you can update your installed copy of Unturned Dedicated Server by following these steps: If your server is running, use the shutdown command to save and close it. ...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    WARNING: Shader Unsupported

    Shader warnings on the server are safely ignorable, as the server should not be using any graphics features. Unfortunately, these warnings are output by Unity during asset loading and we cannot dis...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    HUD is invisible

    The User Interface (UI) and HUD can be toggled on/off to take uninterrupted screenshots and videos. This is bound to the Home key by default. If pressing Home isn't restoring the HUD it may have be...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    What's with Unturned's player count?

    Since Unturned doesn't track analytics outside of Steam's default stats, we don't have an accurate way to measure the player count besides the Steam player charts and sites that track the public se...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    "Client and server disagree on asset [...] configuration."

    This is, understandably, an annoying kick. For an explanation of why it's important, please take a look at the Behind the Scenes section at the bottom of this article. The game automatically checks...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    What updates are coming in the future?

    Updates under consideration are listed on this Trello board: Unturned Roadmap The cards on the board aren't ordered in any particular way. i.e., they do not dictate the order of updates. Miscellane...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    Fixing "Built-in resources mismatch." error

    This means the non-moddable assets loaded by your client don't match the ones the server knows about. A good first troubleshooting step is to verify game files, which repairs any corrupted or missi...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    How do I customize my server IP with a domain name?

    You may have seen a server network advertising that you can connect using a domain name like: This is accomplished by registering your domain name first, then setting up an "A rec...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    Fixing broken foliage, nodes, and volumes tools

    Most likely, the Surface Mask field was accidentally reset. This property needs to be more straightforward and user-friendly. After we merged the devkit into the regular editor, it lost the inspect...

  • Smartly Dressed Games Support created an article,

    Repairing server workshop install

    The server should automatically update any installed workshop files during startup by default. If there seems to be a problem, you can force a reinstall by following these steps: Open the U3DS fol...